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Flying like an eagle

This post and photos are from an article I published in the German, wildlife conservation magazine Wildtierschutz Deutschland e.V.

White-bellied Sea Eagle
White-bellied Sea Eagle

I still remember the skydive when I found myself falling through a flock of buzzards. When the parachute opened, they were so close that I could see their eyes and nearly feel their feathers. I was surrounded by them, flying among them, and for a brief moment, I was one of them.

Even today, all these years later, my memory of the event is as thrilling as it was then. I've never experienced anything like it again.

The only thing that comes close to this experience is when a flock of large birds of prey zooms by me at a short distance, especially when I stand at the edge of a high cliff. At such moments, I feel like I am flying again, free from all constraints, forgetting that my feet are still on the ground.

I took this photo of a White-bellied Sea Eagle from a cliff not far from Sydney. White-bellied Sea Eagles live around water bodies in Australia. This is one of a pair that nested on a tree near a river close to Sydney. When I watched them long enough, I could learn their flight pattern and anticipate their movements.

Once the air got warm, the pair would cruise along the river. They would repeat this route a few times every hour. So, all I had to do was relax on the cliff at the bend of the river and wait for them to fly straight at me before, just a few meters away, they would take the turn. As they kept repeating the pattern, I had several chances to capture them, until I got it right.

You can see and buy this photo at my online shop. Or if you just want to explore my work, you can do it here:

Happy nature exploration!

I am leaving the plane

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Sep 03, 2023

Thank you Ran Fuchs for allowing me to join you in appreciating birds and bees with your nature investigations, which led me to see and be captivated by this magnificent arrodynamic and beautiful eagle, and the way their wings and feathers work, and which I admiringly purchased as a wall display. Fantastic shot taken in the way Ansel Easton Adams made photos, by waiting in the right place for the weather and conditions for the perfect photo.

Ran Fuchs
Ran Fuchs
Sep 05, 2023
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Thank you very much for your encouraging words. I will try to post more birds in flight in the future


Aug 30, 2023

I enjoyed this article and the great photos along with my own experiences.

Your wonderful article reminded me of my childhood dream to fly like a bird.

That's why I love to travel by plane.

The moment I feel V1, VR, V2 and gear up, I feel like I am free from gravity.

Maybe it was like you say, for a moment I felt like I was free from all constraints.

Ran Fuchs
Ran Fuchs
Aug 30, 2023
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This is so similar to my experience. Thank you for sharing. I also love flying, but when I cannot, I love standing in high places and look beyond the horizon. Even if there are no birds around

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