Ran Fuchs
5 days ago4 min read
Travelling in Dubai: Nature's Surprise Amidst the Urban Jungle
Discovering a hidden side of Dubai: a reserve in the desert, full of birds, and a new perspective on travelling in the UAE.
Ran Fuchs
Dec 22, 20242 min read
Kangaroo Kinship: Finding Ourselves in the Wild
Discover the relatable behavior of kangaroo mothers and joeys, highlighting the surprising similarities to human parent-child dynamics.
Ran Fuchs
Oct 26, 20243 min read
Arachnophobes, Enter at Your Own Risk: A Spidery Halloween Post
What started as a delightful birdwatching trip in Poland turned into a spider-filled adventure. Lucky we were not arachnophobes.
Ran Fuchs
Oct 3, 20243 min read
Nature Photography: The Ultimate Challenge for Hunters
After a long day in the wilderness capturing elusive wildlife, we debated with hunters how much tougher photography is compared to hunting.
Ran Fuchs
Sep 11, 20243 min read
From Fear to Fascination: The Vital Role of Bats in Our Ecosystems
From childhood adventures to bat conservation, I learned bats are crucial for ecosystems. Let's learn about them and protect them!
Ran Fuchs
Feb 17, 20243 min read
Winged Warriors:The Dragonfly's Airborne Supremacy
Dragonflies are the most successful hunters in the animal kingdom with 95% of all attempts end up with a catch. How do they do it?
Ran Fuchs
Feb 6, 20242 min read
From Endangered to Exemplary: Germany's Red Kites Triumph in Conservation
The Red Kite conservation project in Germany saved the population of the bird. Can we apply the lessons to other environmental projects?
Ran Fuchs
Dec 10, 20232 min read
Wild Birds: To Feed or Not to Feed?
Discover the tradition of bird feeding, its global popularity, benefits, and concerns while connecting people with nature and aiding birds.
Ran Fuchs
Oct 1, 20232 min read
From Europe to Thailand: Discovering Wildlife Wonders
After spending many months in Europe, I needed to change scenery and have a chance to see some new wildlife – something exotic, something...
Ran Fuchs
Jul 29, 20234 min read
Protect Corvids: Intelligent and Vital
Corvids: Intelligent and misunderstood. Vital for the environment, yet hunted in many regions. Let's appreciate and protect them
Ran Fuchs
Jul 9, 20232 min read
Australia: the Aesthetic of the Apocalypse
In 2019 Australia faced fires and record temps. Amidst the chaos, a surreal beauty emerged, adding vibrant hues to nature photography.