Apr 263 min
The End is Where We Start From | 3.1
Following Sarah's death by a Jordanian sniper, Boaz's family decides to move house to a safer location.
Jan 266 min
The End Is Where We Start From | 2.3
In 1960's Abu-Tor (Jerusalem) Arab and Jewish children are playing ball across the border with Jordan, but not without incidents.
Nov 20, 20233 min
The End Is Where We Start From | 2.2
Ima stopped. “Listen. Here is a dangerous spot. When we cross, Jordanian snipers can see us. Sometimes they shoot, so we must cross fast."
Oct 22, 20238 min
The End Is Where We Start From | 2.1
CHAPTER 2 | Childhood in 1960s Jerusalem:. Boaz is learning to read, his first encounter with violence, and a secret visit to the border
Oct 12, 20237 min
A Novel: The End Is Where We Start From | 1
CHAPTER 1 | Boaz finds himself in a pro-Gaza, anti-Israel rally in London. It throws him back to his army days and the war in Lebanon.